I grew up listening to a lot of obnoxious music (rap, punk, and rave tapes, mostly). But on Sunday nights I always listened to the Hearts of Space show on public radio. When I was younger, I listened in bed, on my headphones, but once I was driving age, I would listen in the car, driving the hour and a half back to Natchez after debaucherous weekends in Jackson, the closest “city” where anything was going on. The host would play an hour of what he called “experimental electronic compositions of a contemplative nature” but it was really just highbrow chillout music. I can’t really say why, but for my White Light mix I was pulled back to that place. Maybe it’s from listening to Untrue so many times.
With a few exceptions, this is all music from the last couple of years, and most of it has plenty of bass. I mixed more by feeling rather than by tempo, on the breakdowns, so each song sort of melts into the next, which was definitely the style on Hearts of Space. I did a lot of digging around to find all this music, so I’m leaving out the artist names, in the hopes that if you hear something you like, you’ll do the same. But I do want to plug the last song, “Madre No Llores,” which is by Munchi, coming out on T&A in the Fall.